Retro Saajan: Bridging Generations with Bollywood-Electronic Fusion.

“Retro Saajan” brings together a powerhouse team of artists, each contributing their unique talents to create a truly unforgettable musical experience.

In a bold and innovative move, the music scene is on the brink of a transformative experience with the imminent release of “Retro Saajan”. This collaborative effort between Bramha, Dipgrix, and Krishnakali Saha represents a convergence of talent, creativity, and cultural influences that promises to redefine the boundaries of musical expression.

Bramha (Lokesh Latta) Image
Bramha (Lokesh Latta) Image

Bramha (Lokesh Latta):

Bramha, also known as Lokesh Latta, emerges from the vibrant city of Jaipur, bringing with him a rich tapestry of musical influences. His journey in the electronic dance music (EDM) scene has been nothing short of remarkable, with tracks featured on prominent platforms like Spotify and Apple Music. Bramha’s signature style combines ethereal synths with pulsating basslines, creating a sonic landscape that captivates listeners and transports them into a world of euphoria. With “Retro Saajan,” Bramha infuses his distinct sound into the project, adding depth and energy that resonate with the soul of the song.

Dipgrix Image
Dipgrix Image


Hailing from the bustling metropolis of Mumbai, Dipgrix emerges as a prodigious talent in the electronic music scene. At just 18 years old, Dipgrix has already made significant waves with his innovative approach to production. His ability to seamlessly blend Indian musical traditions with cutting-edge electronic beats sets him apart as a visionary in the industry. Dipgrix’s contributions to “Retro Saajan” bring a fresh perspective and dynamic energy that elevates the track to new heights. With his experimental flair and boundary-pushing creativity, Dipgrix adds a layer of complexity and intrigue to the project that keeps listeners on the edge of their seats.

Krishnakali Saha Image
Krishnakali Saha Image

Krishnakali Saha:

Krishnakali Saha, the enchantress of Indian classical and contemporary vocals, lends her mesmerizing talent to “Retro Saajan”. With a voice that transcends boundaries and touches the depths of the soul, Krishnakali Saha brings a sense of ethereal beauty to the project. Her haunting melodies and soul-stirring lyrics add an emotional depth and richness to the track, transforming it into a timeless masterpiece. As her vocals intertwine with Bramha’s synths and Dipgrix’s beats, Krishnakali Saha creates a symphony of sound that resonates with listeners on a profound level.

Sonic Masterpiece:

Together, Bramha, Dipgrix, and Krishnakali Saha have crafted a sonic masterpiece with “Retro Saajan”. This collaborative effort represents the culmination of their individual talents and shared vision for pushing the boundaries of musical innovation. With its blend of Bollywood melodies, RnB vibes, and electronic hip hop beats, “Retro Saajan” defies categorization and transcends cultural barriers. It is more than just a song; it is a testament to the power of collaboration, creativity, and cultural fusion in the world of music.

A Fusion of Cultures and Genres:

At its core, “Retro Saajan” is more than just a song; it is a celebration of diversity and collaboration. By bringing together artists from different backgrounds and musical traditions, the project transcends cultural boundaries and creates something truly special. From Bollywood melodies to RnB grooves and electronic beats, “Retro Saajan” offers a rich tapestry of sounds and experiences that speaks to the universal language of music.

Anticipation Builds:

As the release date for “Retro Saajan” draws near, anticipation continues to build among music enthusiasts and industry insiders alike. With its eclectic blend of sounds and genres, this dynamic collaboration promises to captivate listeners and leave a lasting impression on the music scene. Get ready to embark on a musical journey like never before with “Retro Saajan” leading the way into uncharted territory.


As the release date for “Retro Saajan” approaches, anticipation is building among music enthusiasts around the world. With its diverse range of influences and innovative approach to production, this single promises to be a game-changer in the music industry. Whether you’re a fan of EDM, Bollywood, RnB, or hip hop, “Retro Saajan” has something for everyone. Get ready to embark on a musical journey like never before with Bramha, Dipgrix, and Krishnakali Saha leading the way.

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